Thursday 30 April 2015

BEDA Day Thirty - A Story


Today we supposedly end a chapter in the story that is this life on this blog, this compilation of thoughts, the random splutters of life, the thoughts that ramble on through tappings on a key board. Today we end and celebrate BEDA and VEDA 2015 and the immensity that it's been.

*bows head in silence*

BUT this is just the beginning of a new adventure! This month I've made so many new acquaintances, wrote about topics I never knew I felt passionately about, shared stories and anecdotes and loved every moment in which I've been present. And there's not much to say it won't continue!

It's rather odd thinking that we make friends through increasing our presence with one another and making it more meaningful, yet with BEDA and VEDA, we only do so for a little while. It seems almost backwards which is odd. We make friends and then we don't see them as much anymore.

I'm looking forward to seeing how these frienfshios will progress and how we can all still be close and share connections over longer spans of time. There's so much variety that life has to offer but many things don't change and those are the things we must cherish.

Ride the wave of change but appreciate every single turn that you take. You never know where you're going.

Thank you for being present with me this month! I look forward to more in the future though the exact whenness we shall have to see! Take Care of yourselves and have a wonderful one, whatever you're doing! :D

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