Monday 20 April 2015

BEDA Day Twenty - Doing What You Love! :)

Hey guys! I hope that you're well!

A number of different interwebular discussions and VEDA videos got me thinking about how important it is to do what you want to do regardless of what anyone else thinks.

There are a number of reasons for this opinion.

For example, a big reason why we often don't try new things is because we fear looking ridiculous and that's a whole load of nope. If you want to try something, you're bound to start off bad before you get better and if beginners were experts that fast, wouldn't more people be doing it? :)

Also, we fear the opinion of other people and that shouldn't count at all because what makes their opinion more important than the excitement and the drive that you have for that thing? If they don't want to support you doing something you love, should you really be giving value to what they're saying, especially if it's unconstructive? No! If you let other people dictate what you do in life, the only person who's losing out is you. They'll move on with their lives but you'll be left with regret and that's not really something you should let hang around, especially if you can do something about it!

Finally, something I got from this video was the fact that you, my friend, are an awesome human being, in your entirety. Of course, there isn't really anyone at all who's perfect but you, you're special and you should know that. Everywhere you go, you create something, you can create goodness and be a big part of someone's day, someone's story and you could even inspire someone when you feel like you're at your lowest. Being is wonderful, you reach so many places without even realising.

The other videos that inspired this was this one from Paul and this one from Taylor because heck is she also an awesome human being for doing something I wish I had the courage to do!

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and I shall speak to you, very, very soon indeed! :D

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