Thursday 2 April 2015

BEDA Day Two! 3 Vloggers I'm watching this month!

Hello again guys! Great to see you again so soon!

Today, I thought I'd talk to you about some of the awesome awesome awesome awesome people that I'll be watching every single day for the next  month! What I love about these people is that I've grown to know them so much better because they're small youtubers who I never would've known or dreamt about watching until a couple of months ago.

What I've learnt more about YouTube is that the smaller youtubers are those who make the most videos out of all the videos that are uploaded onto YouTube. They're the majority and they are the ones who make so much  more content combined in comparison to the bigger fish. The way I've come to know them is through themselves and through the support and communication that they have within themselves and I'm so excited to share them with you! As there's quite a bit to say about all of them, I'm going to be doing three on today and then three more tomorrow on my side blog :D

1. Paul Roth
Paul has grown to be one of my favourite vloggers, mainly because of the fact that he loves to talk about poignant issues to do with the rights of everyone. Literally everyone, from women to people of various sexual orientations to even talking about films and books and TV shows, the variety is so large that you can definitely find something that you can relate to on his channel. You can also keep informed about issues you weren't aware of and that element of education as well as the way he takes apart the issues surrounding a topic is just awesome. I'm incredibly grateful to have found Paul and to be a Paul Talker and to have found so many of the other smaller youtubers through him! Definitely go and subscribe to him if you'd love to keep up to date with current affairs and also, live shows! But that's a whole other topic for another blog post!

2. Matt Palka
I think I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm looking forward to seeing a month of Matt's face. Matt does videos based around the truth about ourselves and the truth that he sees in the world around us whether that be in everyday life or in a video or TV series or book that he's reading. His first VEDA video was on the Walking Dead finale, for example and I'm really looking forward to seeing what
else he comes up with! He's also got an incredible talent for doing 3 minute one take videos which I'm sure many other vloggers are rather envious of because heck, how many of us could talk unedited for that long?! His videos are always jam packed with awesome food for thought and he's definitely one to be watching this month!

3. MellyTheNerd
Melly is another small youtuber who I've found through Paul and whose first VEDA vlog was a 7 minute long one take which I highly enjoyed and admired! I have to admit I don't really know her well either but she sounds like a very committed and enthusiastic youtuber who I'm really looking forward to seeing every day! Whooo for finding out more about new people and sharing new ideas! Definitely go and check her out too!

So that is a small list of people I'll be watching this month and I do hope that if you're doing VEDA or if someone else you know is doing VEDA who I haven't got on this list, definitely do let me know and I'll be sure to check them out! Have the most perfect of days and I shall see you tomorrow on my side blog for more awesoe people I'll be watching this April! Take Care! :)

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