Sunday 26 April 2015

BEDA Day Twenty Six - TED talk wonders!

Hello guys! I hope that you're as well as ever!

A quickie today about a ted talk which is this ( from Daniel Goleman on why we're not more compassionate. Before I dive in, the website which I've included allows you to download talks like these onto your phone which was basically my revelation for today. TED talks are immensely inspiring talks from experts about inspirational mind blowing topics ranging between 10-20 minutes long. Definitely would recommend if you ever have time to kill where you'd love to have something meaningful to do!

Now, compassion according to Daniel is something that is actually very innately wired within is, something which we actually would act on a lot more if we didn't get so preoccupied with ourselves and our problems. We naturally want to connect to the people around us and share their experiences and relieve their pain but only if we can be that present with someone else and not cause them to become 'pizzled' (puzzled and pissed) when we shut them out with our technological devices which are supposedly more important than the human in front of us. Lies.

Compassion also relies on our ability to make our exchanges more about the other person and less and less about ourselves or about less meaningful though important subjects that of course carry importance. Seeing how my we can use the word 'you' in our conversational questions is a good measure of this and how much we're then able to take forward and use to become more aware and considerate.

We're also gkod catalysts for change within each other because we can raise each other's awareness of problems and make it easier to help and to change. When we start doing things because we want to help others and not because of the image and status it'll give us in the eyes of others is the time when we'll truly benefit and really, in a sense, become our most human.

I could go on for longer but that'd be spoiling it! I hope you all have had wonderful weekends and I'll catch you very, very soon indeed!

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