Saturday 4 April 2015

BEDA Day Four! Paul Roth's live shows!

Hey guys! Good Morning! I hope that you're as well as can be!

Today I wanted to talk about some of the awesome positivity that I've come across during these past couple of months on the internet. One of these awesome things has been Paul Roth and the Google Hangout live shows that he's hosted on YouTube, the concept of which just fascinated me a lot. This is because it works quite a bit like YouNow but as it's in Google Hangouts, you can have multiple people on screen and that fact makes it magic!

I must confess that I haven't been able to go to all of Paul's recent live shows but that's just part of the magic. For example, on the 21st of March which was Paul's second YouTube anniversary and he held an eight hour live show along with his friends on Google Hangouts via Live YouTube. Literally, because it was that long I got an hour in the middle and the last ten minutes but I can tell you those people are amazing and may not have all been able to come together had it not been for Paul.

They talked about a lot of interesting subjects including YouTube related subjects such as big content creators like John Green as well as VidCon which is the largest YouTube gathering if I'm not mistaken which takes place in June every year in Anaheim, CA. That wasn't just it though, they also talked about a ton of different issues and concepts and ideas such as vegetarianism, glasses and swing dancing and that's literally just to name a couple of the subjects from the first couple of hours!

The dynamic amongst all of the small youtubers was both jovial, respectful and just plain open. It was something I've never experienced before and it just opened my eyes to how you can really build the community on YouTube just by knowing of smaller youtubers and engaging in their content. Their content often holds a whole sea of value even if it's hidden a lot further out of view compared to other larger fish in the pond and their content. It made me feel so much more included too because it's amazing knowing that when you interact with these people, they're much more likely to remember you and you're much more likely to be able to make friends with smaller youtubers than larger ones.

Just knowing that you can do that and you can learn so much from everyone together is a reason why I am now almost permanently emotionally vested into trying to make sure that I go to as many of Paul's live shows as possible! I also do hope that I've shown you why they mean so much to me!

If you'd like to see some of them, you can go to Paul's YouTube channel and see them!
If you don't have the time to see them, make sure you subscribe because when he schedules a live show, it comes up in your sub box and I'm sure you guys would love to be able to go too!

Anyways, I hope that you all have wonderful days and I shall see you here very soon indeed!

p.s. If you didn't catch the other half of the list of VEDA vloggers I'll be watching this month, definitely go and check them out here on my side Tumblr blog!<2

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