I was thinking recently about something that really upsets me in life and it made me realise how much I love fantasy worlds too because it feels like other people in the past have realised the same things as me and have tried to rectify them in their stories. In the case of this one thing, J.K. Rowling seemingly has an answer.
The thing I don't like about life is the fact that we forget. It makes me so sad knowing that I could have the best day ever and in the space of as little as two weeks perhaps, or a month, forget how awesome the day was and just how happy you were. Or just important moments in life like when you meet someone for the first time or any other first times that are so awesome and you want to remember but you know that inevitably, you're probably going to forget.
It feels like in this way, life screws us over countless times.
It also means that, in the future, you may forget what your younger years were really like because you'll have forgotten and that makes me sad because being an eager historian, it's great to be able to have the benefit of hindsight but that only helps if you have all of the evidence in front of you. That certainly isn't possible if you've managed to forget most of it, it really isn't.
I think that was one of the main reasons why I started daily blogging but I found it really hard to keep up with once I started school so for the moment, I've abandoned it. I think I may start doing a post, perhaps once or twice a month on this blog to let you know some little things that have affected me for yay or nay and I hope that you guys can gain something from it and perhaps share your own so we can remember for years to come!

Nevertheless, I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! As always, the comments are open for your thoughts so empty below if you wish and I hope to speak to you soon! Take Care!