Monday, 15 September 2014

From Another Walk of Life

Hey guys!

This little subject was bugging me, so I thought I'd talk to you guys about it and see what you think :)

I find it hard when people don't try and empathise with other people when they've come from a different background from themselves, especially sometimes when they've come from an extreme so a really wealthy background or a really poor background. It hurts me because they act as if the people are acting inconsiderately or are acting really self-involved and in a selfish manner whilst whatever they're experiencing or have experienced is just the way life has been for them from wherever they've come from.

It also annoys me because these comments and judgements are often overlooking the good parts of the person's personality which are often in much larger abundance than the other parts of their personality and what makes them who they are that other people may have a problem with.

It annoys me most because of the fact that they expect people to be able to find exactly the right way to say something when that's practically impossible because you can't always be considerate and you can't always find the 'right way' to say something. Some things will always have negative connotations or a specific connotation and there's nothing much that can be done other than to try not to see it in that way.

All I'd like to challenge everyone here is, if you hear something negative or say something negative, always try and think about how the best way of having said that would be. If there's no other way of saying it, don't take offense or be surprised if other people are offended by it. It always pays off to think that way so you don't feel as if you're constantly being offended. Also consider other factors like how much time the other person was given to come up with their response, that can always change the way they word things too.

Finally, also try and accept people for their flaws and that sometimes people don't always have the eloquence or the quick wittedness to be able to express the way they think or the way they feel adequately. Don't judge them for it because if you know that if you were them, you wouldn't want to be labelled by your flaws either. Instead, try and label people by their strengths. I personally find this makes me a much happier person because then you end up feeling less horrified and more appreciative of the people around you and their talents :)

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below and I hope to speak to you soon! :D x

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