This post was inspired by Nick Miller's video called 'Embracing Your Limitations'. I found it inspiring because it wasn't meant to downplay on anyone's aspirations, it was just a reminder to be realistic when you're setting out goals you want to achieve.
I used to find this incredibly hard because I would try and push myself too far and then blame myself and upset myself when I couldn't reach those goals. If any of you guys have stuff you need to get done, please, take it from me, start off light and build because otherwise you could end up more stressed than ever, for a long time! It's not worth it, so do take care of yourselves :)
Another point that popped into my head related to this subject is slightly off-piste but go with me. In my Religious Studies class at school, I learnt that suffering is ultimately caused by free will (that is suffering caused by humans, not necessarily nature). I find this hard to deal with within myself because I hate knowing that I can hurt one person by trying to be kind to another. I hate knowing that in spending too much time with one friend, I can neglect and make another good friend feel bad. In this way, I find it hard to embrace my limitations as a person and accept that in choosing to spend more time with one friend can ultimately have negative consequences on my relationship with another. I think that made sense, I hope does to you!
Before I leave, I would love to recommend you guys to Nick! He's an amazing, down to earth guy with a vision that he's working on bringing to life with Marcus Butler. If you guys aren't really YouTube people, then maybe you would enjoy his snapchat stories at nickmillerza (which is the same as his YouTube Channel).
I feel like my next post may have to be YouTuber recommendations aha, I give them to you practically every post so maybe one place to put them all wouldn't be an all bad idea :)
I'll speak to you guys soon and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
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