Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Understanding People and How They Work

Hey guys!

One of the things that has fascinated me for ages is to see how people work and why they do what they do. I was thinking about studying Psychology next year, I'll admit it aha (I didn't because the exams sounded pretty damn hard!) but it definitely is something that interests me for a few reasons.

a) I've always loved or taken an interest in analysing myself. This would help me because it would help me to spot things that got me worked up or annoyed and a few people have mentioned it being useful because it means that you can notice changes in yourself better and what causes you to get stressed or worked up and that means that you can help control yourself and how you're feeling, much better! This is definitely a reason why I was interested in Psychology before just because it feels so much more intimate when it's your own feelings that you're dealing with and it means that you can feel a bit less like an-out-of-control hormonal-teenager when you react adversely to something. I hope that made sense, moving on!

b) Of course, to understand other people and why they do the things that they do. This seems pretty obvious but I myself want to become a more understanding, compassionate and empathetic person and you can't really do that unless you understand how the person is feeling and why they may react to something the way that they do. I used to be able to do this a little too well and I must say I don't know anyone else irl who can do the same thing and really connect with a person. I have come across Carrie Hope Fletcher who goes way beyond me and actually connects that deeply to story-book characters to the point that she feels their worries and anxieties along with her own on a daily basis (link here to her channel) but yeah, understanding other people can really build your character and help you not to get angry at other people or saddened because when you can understand why something's happened, it doesn't make it as confusing anymore.

I hope that you guys liked this post! Please feel free to empty your thoughts into the comments below and I'll speak to you guys soon! I hope your weeks are going well!<3

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