As you can tell from the title of this post, today I wanted to recommend to you a blog because despite the fact I am ever so good at rambling on about YouTubers I love to watch, I haven't really touched on normal bloggers as such. This blog is Marc and Angel Hack Life and I honestly find it one of the most uplifting blogs to read, especially when I'm having a down day or if I feel like taking some advice from people who know how to put it in the right words :)
For example, I'm just about to read their recent post '16 Reasons You're Succeeding in Life (Even if You Don't Feel You Are)' and just from the title, you can see that their posts are made to make you appreciate everything that you have and where you're headed on this little journey that we call life in spite of how you might be feeling at that precise moment. It's truly wonderful and awesome to know that you might get more upliftment and advice from reading a blog post than watching a video simply because it definitely feels like you can fit in more detail into posts than you can on videos. That, in my opinion, is because reading takes less time than watching, especially seeing as though it would definitely prevent YouTubers from having to talk at a million miles an hour too :) That isn't to say that YouTube videos aren't good sources of upliftment and advice too! :)
Anyway, I digress; the last post of theirs that I read was entitled '11 Old-Fashioned Relationship Habits that We Should Bring Back' and I really took some lessons from this. For example, one of the listed things was learning how to apologise without adding on an excuse because that, arguably, isn't an apology; it's an excuse. I was also quite bad when I was younger at just sprouting out apologies when I'd done something wrong in the hope that it would make everything better but I think that it's important to realise that you'd rather not apologise if you know you're likely to repeat what you've done because then your word is meaningless and that can be truly detrimental to trust within a relationship. This personally really hit home because in spite of the fact I don't do it as much as I did when I was younger, I think we're all culprits of this sometimes and it's really something I want to improve on this summer :)
Another tip they gave was making sure that when you're spending time with another person in any sort of relationship, that you make sure that they have your undivided attention, away from electronics and also away from time constraints, to some extent. Obviously this isn't possible all of the time, it just means that you can give that person all that you have to offer without feeling like you're holding back from them and that's really important when you want to build a strong foundation in any kind of relationship. Spending that quality time is what makes that relationship strong and as it feels like electronics are becoming the norm in social interactions doesn't necessarily mean it's a good reality.
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These are some of their posts from their page on Bloglovin' |
These are just two tips that I got from one of their posts and I hope that some of you guys are as inspired as I am from their tip! They've even written a book so please do go and check out their blog which is linked here! (Their book is advertised on the right-hand side of their blog)
I hope that your week's are going splendidly thus far and I hope to speak to you guys soon!
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