What I've been learning recently through The Art of Possibility as well as through a friend of mine is that it's perfectly possible to be passionate to some degree about everything. To see a project that is promoting something absolutely awesome and something new and something that's going to do amazing and positive things in the world and to feel excited about it and to want to see it go forward and do well.
I don't think it's the easiest thing to do, as I've found myself, but I think this is for a couple of reasons. For one, your ego doesn't often like to see other people doing well because that can lead it to believe that it's not going to be remembered and can make it jealous. However, as always, that doesn't have to be the case because honestly, where would we be if those who had the ability and the resources didn't help people with new ideas? Where would we be if we couldn't share our passions with one another, if we couldn't get excited with our friends and share our successes and help each other through failures? Where would the world be?
I think another reason can also be because, especially when you're young and you're not so sure about what you want to do, it can sometimes feel intimidating to see other people who are so passionate about something because it can feel like they've got a direction to go in which you don't have. It can feel like you're going to get left behind whilst they go on and use their passion to create their success story but that's also I think, derived from the ego. The ego wants to see that end goal, believes that money and fame and success in the end that passion can bring but it also tends to forget that these success stories come from teams of people, not just from individuals.
What I love about sharing passion is the fact that it can ignite in you passion that you never knew that you'd find, never knew was buried there, perhaps never even knew existed. By not being afraid to share passion with someone else, to share their success and their ideas and to appreciate what they see in their work and where that rocket fuel comes from, you can really build your own character and ideas. But you also have to remember, you can work with them to produce a success that you can share together. Sharing someone's dream is never a bad thing because it just means that this dream is so much more likely to happen because you get to be a part of it and to support that dream.
There's so much awesomeness that can be achieved by sharing passions and dreams and if you don't think you've found what you're passionate about, don't be afraid to share other people's passions. You'll find your way soon enough, whether that be finding your own rocket fuel from seeing the light that burns from other people's or finding someone with whom you want to share your rocket fuel.
Don't worry. Trust the process.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! I'd love to hear what you think down below or wherever you prefer! I hope that you have a wonderful time doing what you're doing and I hope to speak to you very, very soon indeed!