Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Teachers + Interwebular Discussions

Hey guys! I hope that you're all well!

So on Monday I had the most awesome discussion with my French teacher about the internet and whether it necessarily takes over your life. This was completely related to my work which is rather odd but it did lead to some awesome discussion!

Like for example the fact that internet addiction can be seen as a very bad thing and in many cases, it really can be. But what a lot of adults fail to see is the fact that people can often be brought together across the internet by things that aren't necessarily internet related like events happening across the globe as well as films and TV shows and books! The internet isn't something that takes you away from enjoying life because in many ways, to make friends on the internet you have to be active in the rest of your life.

I know that for many of you that would be blatantly obvious but also the opposite, like for example the fact that I love blogging about YouTube videos. Without YouTube being on the internet, I wouldn't necessarily have as much to blog about and that shows that of course, there are definite internet connections that can only be made through content on the internet. What I love about my life is the fact that the internet can play such a big part in my life and yet still not take over. I have that flexibility and I don't have to be attached to it all the time.

Thank you guys for reading this post because it doesn't necessarily feel relevant but the fact that it does have an impact on us and the way that adults then go on to perceive us and our relations to the internet made me want to write about it. The internet is too broad to not have real life integrated into it and when you meet other people, it's much like meeting irl - you can't say that internet friendships are somehow less valid than irl ones because they still require the same skills.

Anyways, I hope that you all have wonderful days doing whatever you're doing and that you're able to be present and at one with everything :D

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