Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Inspirations - The Film makers and Photographers

Hey guys! It's great to see you here again!

This was something that just made me so happy and so I thought I would share it with you.

One of my favourite YouTubers and inspirations, Louis Cole (aka FunForLouis) and his friends, also great inspirations of mine Ben Brown, Steve Booker (Blog and YouTube), Will Darbyshire and Nick and Ang Miller are all in NYC at the moment and just the talent that they all have and the beauty of the shots that they're capturing at the moment there are absolutely stunning. Ever since Louis got his new camera, the slow mo shots have been absolutely brilliant! Here are some of them and the videos/links to where you can see all of them :D

'Double Date Night' - 22/10/14

'Double Date Night' - 22/10/14
'Double Date Night' - 22/10/14
'Sunrise & Pennyboard Adventures' - 21/10/14

They also went to go and see Casey Neistat and his studio which are absolutely insane (the vlog is here). His camera collection is well and truly mind-blowing and incredible and to see some of the film-makers that I adore like Jack Harries asking him about the quality of the camera was amazing. It's always great to see who inspires your inspirations and that was just amazing.

Some more screen caps of the vlog just to give you an insight - absolutely amazing:

Casey's punch bag which he uses as a distraction
Ben and Casey take to the rings!
An awesome set up
A giant screen which you can use to see yourself - Ben's funny faces :D
So yeah, this has been something that has inspired me beyond belief this week and just to see all of them getting awesome shots and working together to produce awesome content has made me incredibly happy :D If you guys do have an hour or so to spare, go to Louis' channel and check them out! They're absolutely brilliant and always make my day, especially when he has his friends goofing around too :D

I hope that this has inspired you too! As always, leave your thoughts below, I love to hear them and I hope to speak to you soon!

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Perfect Person for You

Hey guys! I hope you've been well!

I was thinking a while back and now about a topic that Will Darbyshire brought up in his video named 'A Letter to My Future Wife' and it really hit me when he talked about how she was somewhere in the world, growing up, getting on with her life. It struck me that that is true for all of us. We all have someone out there who is probably the best person for us and yet we're, at least for the moment, on completely different paths, living our lives as we normally would. It feels so mundane thinking that someone who can change you so much and make you feel so great is so intrinsically normal. It's both brilliant and amazing.

For me, it was quite a revelation simply because of the 'Prince Charming' stereotype I guess. Fairy tales and all of that jazz. We forget that amazing people do exist and no, they're not going to be perfect but hey, they're real people and do exist and there is a chance you could meet them one day. Isn't that a lovely thought? :D

I just thought I'd share that little bit of hope and sunshine with you and I don't know what you guys think of this information, whether you agree with me that it's a wonderful thought and revelation or whether you think that there's barely any chance of finding someone that's right for you.

Whichever you choose, you can tell me about it or just go along and have a wonderful day! I hope I can speak to you soon!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Passive Aggressiveness - My Thoughts

Hey guys! I hope that you're as well as can be!

Passive aggressiveness was something that has been stirring itself around my mind in a number of ways.
For example, on Thursday, my French class had a debate, in French, about the legalisation of cannabis, just to get us used to replying to each other in French, articulating ourselves and remembering the vocabulary that we've recently come across. According to our teacher, it was the most lively and engaging debate that she'd ever seen from the Year 12 class and I loved it though I came out of the class feeling like, at least during the class, I may have made some frenemies.

As I may have told you before, my French class is the one class where I know the least people and is also the smallest class of the four I have this year with a grand total of 15 people in it. For many people and I can certainly say I fall into this group when I'm not careful, a debate in class can feel quite personal though whatever happens may not be as close to heart as it comes out as. For the cannabis debate, we were split randomly into two teams and that meant that you just had to fight the corner that you were sat at. Sometimes though, it feels as if it can become a matter of who's right and who's able to get the other person down rather than just a matter of the class and that can become problematic when you're trying to make friends with new people. Nevertheless, in this specific case, I haven't had a French lesson since the debate so I'm hoping no lasting damage will have been had because my French class is pretty awesome.

This also leads me on to another thought that stemmed from this from another debate that we were having in my health class, whether giving into do what another person wants to avoid arguments is the best thing to do. For many of us this was definitely a grey area; isn't it better on a small scale to sacrifice the small things so that everything in the bigger picture can move on more swiftly or is it more detrimental to a relationship when the person who's leading forgets that there are limits to what the other person may feel comfortable and within their boundaries to do? In the end, I think it's probably a bit of both but I guess it's always going to be slightly different in every set of circumstances.

Overall, sometimes passive aggressiveness can be good because debating in a formal manner without being rude or saying things out of turn, though it can feel like you're personally attacking another person, it can actually be really good and can really help you develop your character and the way you face defeat and the way that you learn how to not take it personally and how to actually make good friends out of those who you debate with. However, passive aggressiveness in a relationship can be detrimental when it means that one person is constantly having their opinions repressed and their feelings ignored.

So, what do you guys think on this subject? Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments because I'd love to hear them and I'll speak to you guys soon!

p.s. on this note, I did have a little specific picture that came to mind when I thought of this post, so here ya go :)
p.p.s. who knows what film this is from? :o :D

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Greet yourself, shake hands and smile

Hey guys! I hope that you're all as well as can be!

'Greet yourself, shake hands and smile' - a thought that everyone has in some shape or form - what would it be like if you met yourself? I know that I'm quite a lot like the majority of people who've thought this - I'd probably hate and annoy myself beyond belief.

Despite this fact, there are a ton of merits you can get from meeting yourself from an outsider's perspective and that's something I've learnt myself.

A time ago, for an hour or so, I went through a little mental phase where I thought that morally, I couldn't improve on anything at all - for a little while, I was deluded that I was somewhat perfect - in other words, I couldn't think of anything I could do to make myself better and sure, I may be a decent human being that most people deserve to be greeted by when they meet a new person but by no means am I perfect. Looking back on that now, I don't understand where I ever could've thought that. Mental, I know.

This led me to realise that there are a ton of things we can all do to make ourselves better and many of them are small which may have led to my delusion; we so very often disregard the small things we don't do that we become satisfied with just having not done anything big wrong. There can be something very big wrong too if you don't do the small thing right before even considering anything bigger you can do.

There are many things that we can do that can make us better people and we shouldn't be content with thinking that small things don't make a difference and don't make us better people - I've said it before and I'll say it again, I try believe that it's the small things that count and sometimes it's the good things that other people do that remind me to be nicer and kinder and that can make a difference, knowing that you've consciously made the decision to become better.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! As always, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below, I do love to hear them, and I'll hopefully speak to you soon! God Bless!x

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

'That's okay' - what?

Hey guys! I hope that you've all been fine and dandy since I last spoke to you!

This was a topic that really has bugged me for a while and I'm pretty sure anyone who feels guilty about small things or relatively small things they do wrong probably understands where I'm coming from.

Most people know the feeling - you do something small wrong or you forget to do something - and you instantly feel bad but then whoever it'll affect or whoever you expect to perhaps blow your head off goes on and says 'No, it's okay' with a smile and continues on.

This confuses me so much. Whatever I did wasn't okay otherwise I wouldn't have bad for doing it! Why on earth should it be okay with you for me not to do what I'm supposed to do? How is that okay at all?
I feel like it's more confusing when the person says that's what they expect of you - how do you do the thing when you can't do it anymore? How do you rid yourself of the guilt of knowing that someone is trying to make you feel better when it's your inadequacy that probably means they have more work to do because of you? How can that ever be okay?

This for me is generally most confusing because it's never followed by an explanation. For example, if the other person thinks you have a genuine reason for not having done the thing like because you've had a lot of work or because you've been focusing on other parts of your responsibilities. That's only really cuts it when you can agree with them but how can you move on knowing that you could've done the thing but didn't really want to?

I may be making no sense whatsoever to some of you but I guess it bugs me when I don't learn from my mistakes and try and grow and move on from my laziness. If any of you guys can empathise with me in any shape or form, it would be so great to hear from you in the comments! Even if you don't please tell me why, I'd love to hear why!

Thank you so much for reading, I can't tell you how much it means to me! Have an awesome week and I hope to speak to you soon! God Bless :) x

Monday, 6 October 2014

Time and where it all goes

Hey guys!

It feels like months since I've last spoken to you and indeed it's been almost that long! How crazy! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to find the time or the content to give to you but I do hope that I can find things to show you and to inspire and interest you and that we can continue to have these little conversations at some point during the weeks to come!

I just wanted to ramble a bit today I guess and I feel like today is a day that just showed me how quickly time can pass. It's not really something that you need to be told really but it's something that we all have to be aware of. This was really brought on and reinforced in my brain by Carrie Hope Fletcher, that wonderful woman and it really is hard to live in such a way that you remember that you do need to tell people how important they are to you because a lot of anything could happen between the next time you see them.

Change is so ever present in our lives and we always seem to forget that things won't stay as they are forever. I think that we can sometimes allude ourselves that because of the length of our relationships with the people around us, they must simply know what we are thinking and the way that we know that they're just there for us whenever we need them. That isn't always healthy in a relationship because it can lead to the other person forgetting their worth and not feeling the positivity from the relationship that they're giving to it.

I've felt that way myself before and I have evaluated myself and the way I feel. I know that one friend I have suffers from severe anxiety and therefore is rarely the one to start a conversation, however, just because I may be the one to start the conversation, doesn't mean we can't stem one from there. I have another friend who I used to be able to have rather lengthy conversations with because we met on a forum website where we'd write each other paragraphs and reply every other day or so because time zones wouldn't permit us to really be able to IM each other. Our convos moved to twitter and it's hard to feel that you're feeling the commitment to the friendship, especially seeing as though there are many reasons the friendship shouldn't work because of the distance.

However, having said that, I know that sometimes I feel like if you do constantly message someone, they might be a bit creeped out and a bit overwhelmed but I guess, back to a post I did about one of Carrie's videos, you've got to say so.

In conclusion, time can lead to relationships becoming strained and to people feeling like the commitment isn't showing through the action of the other, however, that isn't always an adequate excuse for not putting as much effort into a relationship as the other person.

I hope this wasn't too much of a random post but please, as always, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below and I hope to speak to you soon! God Bless!<3