Wednesday, 12 August 2015

A First World Realisation

Hey guys! I hope that you're all well!

So today, I think I realised a truth that I hadn't actually quite faced up to before, that my relationship to Twitter really isn't all too healthy for me. It's quite similar to many addictions that you can get in modern day times where notifications become things you can't ignore and I've realised that I hate it. A lot.

It stops me from being present with my family and in many ways it's very inorganic. I've recently started talking to an internet friend of mine who I've known for about two years now and talking to her irl was much different to talking to her online. The challenges are different but I must say I think I much rather prefer spending time with people face to face than I do with my phone.

I absolutely love my internet friends and the support that they give me but the nature of our friendships is so completely different to irl. It's no wonder that people tend to freak out a bit when they meet their internet friends irl because they're so afraid about the difference in the experience they're going to have.

Internet friendships are awesome, don't get me wrong and they certainly function well in their own capacity but I think I've definitely become overwhelmed with the amount of time I spend trying to be in more than one place at one time. I know and now acknowledge more that when I'm talking to friends, perhaps they should be the only people I'm talking to.

The internet is so bad for being in the present moment and I've got to say I don't blame my friends who take ages to reply because who wants to be sucked away from the present? Organise a time and spend that quality time with them. Don't spread yourself thinly everywhere and expect it to work well because it's simply not the way we're supposed to function.

So that's all. I hope that you guys have a wonderful day and I hope to speak to you very soon indeed!

Sunday, 9 August 2015

'Tolerating People' - NOPE

Hey guys! I hope that you're all well!

Last weekend, I went to a wedding. As is customary in my faith, there was a lecture and it was probably one of my favourites of all those I've heard over the years because it was so mindful. I loved it!

One part that really stuck out for me and that struck a cord was the phrase that we often use in 'tolerating' other people which, if you think about it, isn't really ever the way to go. If you ever want to improve yourself, the thing that you should strive towards is realising that other people are much like yourself and are therefore different and diverse and a whole universe of variables within themselves.

They have as much right to do what they'd like to do as you do and therefore you should strive towards accepting and celebrating everyone to some extent at the very least because you can get so much joy from that of others. You don't have to perceive loud people as annoyances, you can join in on their joy from afar and benefit. You can take so much goodness from other people, if only you try.

This concept of tolerating other people is also not something you'd really want in a relationship, especially one which is with someone who you may see as a life partner. In those sorts of relationships, it's always about patience and compromise and seeing that diversity and the differences between yourself and accepting them. With the length of these relationships, it can be hard because the person you knew from years ago isn't the person you connect with today but that's just the nature of the beast and being able to be thankful for them is so important.

Hank uses nature to describe what happens
when two different environments collide
This also reminds me of this video from Hank Green a few months ago. What it taught me is that
diversity is really something we should celebrate and the place where two different areas cross together and meet can make an area of astounding beauty and excitement. Use places where you differ from other people as a way of forging even more lasting connections through empathising and growing beyond yourself and your bubble. It's so possible and it's incredible what you can get!

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post, thank you so much for listening! I hope that you have a wonderful time doing what you're doing and I'll speak to you very soon indeed!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Impressions of one another

Hey guys! I hope that you're all doing very well indeed!

Very recently, I had a discussion with a friend of mine about one of the cons of knowing someone for
a long time and that's that sometimes if you change, that isn't really taken into account or fully accepted by someone who's known you for a long time. This isn't always consciously done at all but when you're stuck in a way of doing something for a long time, it can easily become the image that is associated with you and that's hard to shake off.

It can sometimes be that you're childhood friends and that when you mature it can be kind of odd to realise as someone looking in from the outside as someone's who's been there but who hasn't undergone the changes. It can feel like people are always going to stay the way that they are but it's always important to be present and to treat people with respect and dignity, especially if they're trying to break a habit that's been with them for years and become a different person to the one everyone knows.

Sometimes it's not always even necessarily that you're unhappy with the way that people know you, you've just made even more improvements to make yourself an even better person and you want other people to know that.

In this way, it's always important to be present and to be aware of the person that you're connecting with today because we're all ongoing projects and we're all changing, for better or for worse. We should always treat the person that we meet and treat them with respect.

It is important to be wary, having said that, that we always do so because not everyone in the world is open minded and therefore to make sure we don't hurt other people we treat everyone in the best way possible.

Thank you so much for listening guys! I hope you have a wonderful time doing what you're doing what you're doing and I'll speak to you very soon indeed!

Monday, 3 August 2015

Gratitude and Happiness

Hey guys!

I hope that you've all been well, it's been a while!

Today, I read this blog post from Marc and Angel who I love to read because their posts are always about life truths that can really change your life. They're simply and utterly amazing.

What it reminded me about was the fact that being thankful for everything that you have can make you such a happy person. This is often because you can find ways of taking the goods from what could be on the surface a bad situation and it can leave you feeling so much more fulfilled because you've taken from it rather than let it take from you. It's wonderful!

Being thankful also makes you happy because it makes you realise that you have so much right in this moment. For many of us, we take a lot of things for granted and only stop to be thankful when those things are taken away from us. This can include our health as well as our wealth but also the people that we have around us.

It's become so important to me to try and be thankful today, in the now, because quite often things we have today can become things we had, like friendships or any close friends. People can slip through our fingers because we're too busy looking the other way or worrying when there's so much now to see and be thankful for. Here and now. Not yesterday, not a week ago, not tomorrow either. Now.

So, I challenge you, stop for five minutes everyday and just be thankful for what you have and what's happened to you today. You wouldn't believe how much a bit of reflection can add to your joy and leave you feeling so much more content than you could've believed to be possible. I've tried to do this by both daily journaling as well as daily blogging on my side Tumblr blog everyday through summer. If that's something you'd be interested in reading, please do go and check it out! I would encourage you to do the same, even if it's an appreciation tweet or just a moment out of your day when you become truly present.

It makes all the difference.

I hope that you all have a wonderful time doing what you're doing and I hope to speak to you very soon indeed!