So today, I've been inspired by this little beautiful video by Dottie James aka thisbedottie on YouTube. Before I delve into why I absolutely loved this video, Dottie makes awesomely beautiful poetic videos, usually no longer than two minutes long but that are packed full of wonder and stories and imagination. She conveys meaning without feeling heavy and makes you think in an entirely different way. Definitely worth a look if you've got a spare few moments!
So onto this video - A Trick of the Mirror.

The most truest expression of yourself and reflection of who you are, comes from what you put out to the world. It comes from, the impact you have on the people around you, from siblings that you love to tease, to friends that you try and make laugh and cheer up, to the creative stuff that you put out. Your stories and your imagination and your art. Those will always better represent you and who you are compared to your physical qualities.
Having said that, you can express yourself through tattoos and through other forms of self expression that visibly manifest and these can bring you closer to showing the world and sharing with the world who you are.
I absolutely loved this video because I think it brought me right back down to earth and to the reality of how things are in many ways. There are many things that you can't change about yourself but that doesn't necessarily mean they shape who you are and represent your personality and who you are from the inside. It's what you choose to put out to the world and who you choose to be to the people around you that shows your true colours. And that's what ultimately matters and what you should keep in mind.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! I'd love to hear what you think :) Have a wonderful time doing what you're doing and I hope to speak to you very soon indeed!
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