I really resonated with Mel's video about the pressures of school because my exams are getting closer and closer and I'm soon to restart school after the Easter holidays and I'm hoping and praying that I'll be able to deal with the pressure. At the same time though, I totally loved Blake's video because of the fact I think a lot of students in my position or in a similar position can really relate to failing sometimes when it comes to school and often when it comes to trying to become more productive, particularly in terms of revision. It's really easy to feel disheartened when you find it hard to finish the work you've set yourself or when you're just not feeling up to working and I think what's definitely important is to have that balance between the two and this is where for me, the two videos integrate very nicely indeed.
What I want to make sure is that I don't get to the stage where I'm 'done' and that's not to say that being done is a bad thing as such but I know that when I'm done, I've completely ground to a halt; I've dropped the ball and I've not even attempted to pick it up again. That's where I don't want to get to because the only sure way of failing is by not doing anything at all. Sure, for many of us there's still a lot of work to get done but that won't get done if we stop altogether. Being slow and steady and improving your productivity as well as giving yourself time to breath is a really important balance to strike and that's definitely something I want to achieve over the next couple of months to come.
It's also, I think, a case of not letting pressure get to you but trying to learn because you want to and enjoying the process as much as possible. Once doing work becomes daunting, it becomes harder and harder to do but once you realise doing a small bit every day and enjoying it and working through it is something that's very achievable, you're much more likely to succeed.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! Definitely go and check out Mel and Blake because they're both a) very, very awesome human beings who make awesome videos and b) they're both doing VEDA so lots of awesome content to check out! I hope that you have a wonderful day and I'll speak to you very, very soon indeed! :D
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