Saturday, 29 November 2014

Charlie McDonnell - Our Brother Review

Hey guys!

Quite a few weeks back now, Charlie McDonnell (aka Charlieissocoollike) released his new short film series named 'Our Brother'. I feel like I can't share what it's about without injecting my views about it so here goes!

The two parter is about two siblings who are struggling to cope with the death of their brother after the films start with a video clip of them proclaiming to their brother, who was clearly suffering from some sort of chronic illness, that he was finally coming home. From what Charlie had said about the series before it went live, it was supposed to be quite a teary series and though it was definitely sad, I wouldn't say I was bawling though admittedly, though I cry when things get emotional, I certainly wouldn't have bucketed all the way through.

Despite this initial misconception, the series itself was very, very good and the one thing I loved about it was the fact that it was so completely realistic. It didn't feel like an ideal situation, it felt really organic and that's what I feel Charlie has really done justice too. The elder brother of the two siblings who are left is unwilling to admit how much he misses his brother and the psychological turmoil that he's facing and this can make him appear quite cynical and unsympathetic towards his sister who constantly asks him whether he's ready to talk yet, to which he stoically replies 'I'm not ready yet.'

It's a beautiful series because of the way that their relationship works and just how simply everything works out and how it makes sense. It doesn't feel far-fetched and that's what makes this film series work so well.

I hope that you guys can appreciate this post and go on and watch the first one of the two here and the second here. All of Charlie's videos are amazing so check his channel out here.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post and as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts! I hope to speak to you soon, take care of yourselves!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Falling in Love with Ideals

Hey guys!

It has occurred to me many a time over the past few years or so that we often fall in love with ideals. This theme is also prevalent in many films and can also translate into real life relationships too where people go into relationships thinking they know the other person really well and that they know exactly how it's going to turn out but what they forget is that they expect their ideals to be the truth rather than getting to know and learn about the actual person who's in front of them.

By doing this, which in some way shape or form I feel we're all guilty of, we place unreal expectations on a person who's merely human and not someone who should be burdened with the expectations of being perfect, doing everything exactly like the movies and all that sort of thing.

Just to wrap up, if you ever make friends with someone or start a relationship with someone, make sure that the person you think you know and the kind of person they are isn't your ideal but is backed up by proof and evidence that you've witnessed first hand, not imagined in your day dreams.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post and that you have wonderful weeks and that hopefully, I can speak to you soon!<3

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

University - the Low Down

Hey guys!

I watched this video from Matt Watson and it really made me realise how big a step university is because of the amount of time you spend there and the numerous experiences you have along the way.

It's very easy to forget the scale when you've not got to worry about it for years yet but it's not until it starts getting closer that you realise why it's so daunting and important and why it's such a fundamental stage of your life.

I do really think that his video was immensely helpful in giving general tips on how to pick the right uni for you so don't forget to check the video out here as well as his channel here!

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post and I hope to speak to you soon!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Having a backbone

Hey guys! I hope that you're well!

Having a backbone can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people and it only really struck me recently because it made me question whether I have one and whether the fact that my backbone has a questionable existence is really all that important and whether I need to make it more definite.

What made this spring into my mind was a TV show which is all the rage at the moment in England, coming back for its 10th series, the Apprentice. Just to give you guys who haven't heard of it before, the Apprentice features the successful British Entrepreneur Lord Sugar who puts a number of candidates through 12 weeks of gruelling business orientated tasks as two teams in order to find his next business partner. In previous years he's had 12 candidates for 12 weeks, last series he upped it to 16 and this year, to celebrate the 10th birthday of the program, 20 candidates from the start.

At the moment, the series is on its 3rd week, the 4th week being broadcasted on Wednesday here in the UK. In the 2nd week, the teams were asked to produce a type of wearable technology but what happened was, those who had more expertise in the area than others couldn't push their product idea forward enough amongst the hubbub to be able to produce a product that manufacturers would want to purchase. This, Lord Sugar put down to 'not having a backbone'.

This made me think of the way that I feel like I may also have a similar quality in which I try and please everyone in order to not make any enemies, whether that be a frenemy or just a plain old person who hates my guts. I have no idea whether to consider this a flaw because generally the things that you may dispute about in school aren't really worth losing friends over and therefore, should I really be putting my friendships on the line just for a little pride in being right? That I don't think is right in any relationship. Understandably, when it's a question of making money, the bar is a lot higher and the expectations of the teams are as high as can be but the question I have for myself and anyone else who feels like they're kind of like me, do we have the right mentality and would we be able to fight for what is right and risk losing some friends in order to produce something that's the bests? Would we?

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! Whatever you thought, I would love to hear it in the comments and I hope that you have a lovely weekend and I'll speak to you soon!