Saturday, 30 August 2014

Inspirational People #2 - My Boss

Hey guys!

Today, I'd like to talk to you about my boss, Fairy, who's second on my inspirational people list to talk to you about.

The reason I find her so inspirational is because she's incredibly motivated. For you guys who don't know, I work in a dry cleaners in my town and she's the one who opened the shop and got it started from scratch. Despite the fact that she's not had much business experience herself, she's motivated and believes in what she's selling because she knows it's top notch quality (believe me, it really is) and she's not afraid to let people know that her service is better than many others.

She's also one of the most kind hearted and warm people and she's just that way with her customers which means that they feel like they're being treated personally and fairly and that she genuinely cares (which she does) about her customers and the quality of the service that they receive. She's the kind of person who goes out of her way to make sure that she can help her customer like being able to do cleaning and alterations at short notice and going to collect them herself as well as not being afraid to give people discounts if she can really see that they're going to struggle to pay for the service.

She's also very, very fair and a rational thinker. She's not the kind of person to explode for no reason and she really cares about how she's affecting you with what she does. If you make a mistake, she makes sure to let you know that you're not to worry and if you've made a big mistake, then she'll do everything in her power to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

On top of all of this, she's not a very well person and still motivates herself to keep going and to keep smiling and to keep doing everything she can, including giving sweets to her customers to make sure that she can keep them happy and make their day happier when they come into her shop. It's brilliant and I don't think I've personally seen anyone who spends that much time being warm and friendly and asking about the health of people ever in my life. It's truly inspirational and admirable.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! As always, please feel free to empty your thoughts into the comments below and I hope to speak to you soon! :)

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