Tuesday 13 January 2015

Excitement Alonely

Hey guys!

This subject struck me and I don't think I can possibly be the only one who's ever felt this way, but sometimes you get excited and you're jumping all over the walls, all giddy with excitement with glee and joy but there's not anyone you can find who is willing to share that with you. Or just doesn't see the same thing and sometimes with me, it feels like I can't tell anyone who won't share my enthusiasm for whatever it is because I feel like it loses worth because it doesn't receive the same amount of feeling as it does with me.

In some ways, it makes it feel less valid unless someone can share it with me but can feel sort of weird if someone feels exactly the same way? For me, the greatness expands when I can share the feeling with someone and watch them grow happier as a consequence of what I've told them. Then, in my mind, we share more. It's the understanding and empathy that my mind feeds off of and it's something I quite often need which feels quite selfish really.

What scares me is feeling like my excitement is withering away with me because I can't find people irl or on the internet who feel like they genuinely understand where I'm coming from and that makes me sad. But should I? Should I be entitlted to people understanding my excitement and why I feel the way I feel and vice versa or is happiness and love and excitement still as true without the sharing element that feels like it matters so much.

Have you guys ever felt this way? Please do let me know however you like and I hope to speak to you soon! God Bless!<3

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