Wednesday 7 January 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

Hey guys!

Now, I know that the day has officially past but I have the biggest part of the new year ahead of me so here are some of the things that I want to achieve this year!

  1. Spend more time with my family and friends rather than on the internet or hiding away - yes Zainab, you may be quite an introverted person but who knows when you'll be able to spend so much quality time with the people that are near and dear to you? Who knows what could happen? Treasure the time you have the ability to spend with other people.
  2. Speak your mother tongue more - when I was a child, I was literally the best at my mother tongue but with school and growing up, I've literally become the worst. But learning languages is a favourite thing of mine and if I can connect with relatives better as well as new people, why shouldn't I put the effort in properly and not look back?
  3. Eat less biscuits - my guilty pleasure, you caught me. I feel kinda bad knowing I do exercise but I probably eat back all the calories I lose aha, I have a high metabolism naturally so I'm still pretty thin but I'd like to know that I'm doing most of the things I need to in order to keep all parts of my body healthy. Maybe I should turn to fruit instead :)
  4. Don't be afraid to give - a reason why I don't do things is often because of fear. When I want to help someone or even just crack a joke, I'm afraid because I don't know how I'll be received. What I need to remember is, even if it's not much help or the joke isn't funny, I can still make a difference and doing that and still being true to yourself - not much more you can ask for!
  5. Work harder, then play - I learnt this the hard way during my GCSE's and though I didn't do drastically badly, there's always always room for improvement - don't be afraid of working your butt off because trust me, every single moment you spend will contribute to the end product. Just because it doesn't feel like revising for half an hour will help, trust me, it most probably will. Also, that doesn't have to be school related, working with the team and relaxing with them will mean you'll work better altogether rather than only chipping in when it's convenient. Not a good habit, I can tell you that!
  6. Do more of what you can't do very well - This kinda links back to my mother tongue resolution but it's a bit  more general and links to some inspiration I got from this video from Connor Manning who you guys know I've been loving at this moment in time. It's all about doing things you love but 'aren't very good at' - no one is born amazing at what they do but with work, you can become more and more decent and even amazing, but only if you take that step yourself.
  7. Write more gosh dang it - I love writing so much, it's definitely a release for me and something I love, so I want to try and write 52 blog posts this year - one for every week, hence the specific. Even if it's two on one week and none the next, just so long as they're quite frequent, I'll be a happy bunny and be a relaxed as a..... oh you add whatever you like in the gap!
  8. Finally, keep smiling :) I love smiling and it makes me feel so happy and happiness doing whatever you're doing is the best thing ever, so you there, have a good day! (brownie points for the person who knows the reference ;) )
Those are the most of them I think so I hope that you guys have a good ole list and try and smash them out as much as possible because becoming a better you than yesterday's you will end the year with the most awesome you that's even been before. Many you's in that sentence, many you's.

Have a great one, whatever you're doing and I hope to speak to you guys soon!

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