Saturday 7 February 2015

Blowing Up - Or Nah?

Hey guys!

Today I just wanted to talk about the importance of patience and waiting out the storm. This can be especially hard when the storm is inside you but nevertheless, that doesn't make it any less important!

Today, I was in the middle of writing up an important document and my sister called me down to do a chore which I knew I'd have to do. I finished the document before I did the chore and that chore also held up my sister from doing her chore so it was quite a selfish thing to do already. So I go down to do the chore and I felt like I was seething because it was a simple chore and it wouldn't have hurt if she'd done it. No, past me. NO.

What dawned on me as I got the job done was
a) She didn't know I was in the middle of typing up a document and even then, why should she have to do my chore? Would I have even necessarily done the same for her without some level of resentment?
b) It was my responsibility and this is exactly what's going to happen in life, but on a much larger scale than right now. If I can't grow up and do what I'm supposed to do without suddenly wanting to punch someone for the wrong reasons, what sort of a person am I going to end up being? Certainly not the sort of person I have in mind!
c) I am so glad I realised that I was in the wrong because really, my document could've waited and this took literally 5 minutes. Face palm.

What I'd like us all to learn from this is to get into the habit of accepting your responsibilities and knowing when you need to calm down and just get on with things. Life is a lot easier if you don't get caught up with things that aren't a big part of the whole picture.

All in all, I hope that you're all fine and dandy after so long and that you have a wonderful time, whatever you're doing and wherever you are! Please do feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below as I don't think this is my normal style of writing so I'd love to hear what you guys think! I hope I'll speak to you soon! God Bless!<2

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