Hey guys!
Today I'd like to talk about some thoughts that were stemmed from this cool video right here because it really got me thinking in a way I've never really thought or considered before.
We use ourselves and the image that we think of ourselves as as the way of knowing who we are and what kind of person we are. This is often through labels and identifying with a certain image of person. For example, I've been told before that my normal Tumblr blog is quite hipster which I can then identify with through the content that I put up and in this way, I feel more secure in some ways because I know who I am through looking at the other blogs that have been similarly labelled. You can be called a geek or nerd if you're clever or are expressedly interested in something or other and this can explain your characteristics. Similarly, you can create an image of yourself by choosing to not associate yourself with a label. For example, some people don't like to be seen as feminists or chavs for example and this is because of the image of themselves that they believe that they would create by using that label. But what is the real point that I'm trying to get to here?
There is an awesome truth in realising that we are not the labels that we identify with or don't identify with because are much more complex than the labels that we give ourselves. We're so much more than a few words with connotations, we're unique people with entire universes inside of ourselves that can't be encompassed by words alone. For example, my blog may seem like it's hipster but it's full of content that could be classed as verticle, or grunge or to do with YouTube. There's very little way in which we can try and understand ourselves through limiting ourselves to a few words.
As human beings, we expressly love labels - they make us feel like we understand and that we're in control but in reality, there's so much to know and so much more to understand that labels aren't really worthy of us. You'll never find two people who identify with the same label who are exactly the same.
I think that summarises what I got from the video - we're so different and we're so complex that using labels doesn't do us justice. We should always strive to delve into the depths of ourselves which is pretty scary but there's so much to discover!
I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! Please do feel free to leave me your comments below and I do hope to speak to you guys soon! God Bless!<2
p.s. I tried to find a picture to go with this post but nothing really fitted ;)