Hey guys!
I was recommended these two films (Him & Her) by
Marie who I recently wrote a blog post about
here (I would
highly recommend watching her videos!) and I literally fell in love with the concept and the way it's portrayed.
For the majority of you guys, you probably haven't heard of it so here's the description from the
IMDb page:
'One couple's story as they try to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.'

See the awesome thing I picked up from this film was the fact that you can never quite know the whole truth because everyone's perspectives mean that you can all remember the truth differently and this is prevalent in the way that the two sides of the story are portrayed from the two films. For example in two pivotal moments, they both remember what is said differently and this reflects what view of themselves they have and the way that they wanted or believed they acted in those situations. The beauty comes from the fact that we don't actually know what the truth is but in watching the two films, we can gain a much deeper understanding of what they're both like as people, without intertwining them and without influences apart from what they understand of themselves.

We can see the influence of their relationships and learn more about themselves and how they view their significant other. But the amazing part is, it feels so much more personal because it's not mixing the both of their stories so you can appreciate them separately and this means that you can be more objective in the way that you understand and experience their stories.
I love the way that each interaction has a different dynamic and has it's own different influences and I found it so organic because you can really draw parallels with your own life and this I find so cool and so important. There's quiet in important places and the speed of scenes often happens with the speed at which it would happen in real life and with the same sounds and this just makes it all the more real. For example, walking down the street, there are shots where the camera doesn't shift at all from one viewpoint and it's so much more organic.

I don't really think I want to give away the story because it doesn't really have a definite ending but just the way we touch each other's lives and how we weave in and out of each other's stories is something I really appreciated here. Please, do go ahead and check them both out if you get the time! Also James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain as well as Viola Davis. The characters are so unique and the way that you don't know everything about them makes it so like real life that I loved it so much :) It's not an outer person telling the story, it's their perspective and that's what I love the most. It's as if you're getting to know them :)
I hope that you guys enjoyed this post! If you did, please feel free to leave a comment or even if you didn't or if you have a different view about the film :)
I hope that you guys have a wonderful time doing whatever you're doing and I hope to speak to you guys soon! God Bless!<2
p.s. It's so quotable and the feelings are so raw argh I love it so much!