Sunday, 27 October 2013

Visiting old people

Old people are full of knowledge and today I went to visit an old lady who's written a ton of recipes.
She was such a lovely old lady and wasn't intrusive and the conversation wasn't really that awkward at all.
It made me realise that I should try and visit the elderly more, they've lived their lives and are leaving their legacy but are too often forgotten or stereotyped.

Love you all always,

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Family Friends

I went to a wedding today, the wedding of a family friend who I admire, the bride. She's just amazingly kind.
The only thing I wish is that I could be closer to her, I don't see her much but I felt bad not being able to congratulate her more personally.
I hope that with other people in the future, I can make more of an effort and really try and make the most of the existing friendship between our families.

That's all :D
Love you all!
I hope you have a good day :) :) :)

Bitching About People

So bitching is one of my pet hates.
I find it horrible and vile and disgusting, especially if it's for no reason other than to hate on someone.
If you're not trying to help the person or if you know there's not a big chance that telling someone about a problem you have with someone is going to help anything, please don't!
Just remember what goes around comes around.
Whatever name you want to give to it.
You make yourself such a bad person, whatever you say about that person isn't a reflection of them, it's a reflection of you.
If your friends can bitch about other people what's going to stop them bitching about you?
You lose people's trust if they know you complain about other people's flaws. You could quite easily turn against them.

So please, keep your bad thoughts to yourself, give people a second chance, give them excuses, remember that you wouldn't want to be defined by your flaws, so give that to other people too.

Have a great week!

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Valuing yourself - Louis Cole

I found this video of Louis' very inspiring and thought provoking.
However it got me thinking about how hard it is to remember that even if it is beauty that attracts, personality makes people stay :)
I wear a headscarf and I'm not popular at school and sometimes I feel like a failure at being a social person and a person who's actually there for her friends and not just cowering in a corner, too quiet to ask how her friends are faring. I wish I was more daring with people I don't know as well, I think it would help me become the helpful, kind person I wish to be :)
I feel so invisible to the world sometimes and I wish I didn't feel like I have to dress better or talk to the right people to be noticed and to be talked to.
We all say it's society but if we made a choice to accept people and not judge, who's going to stop us?